6 Delicious Coffee Recipes




by: Merrie Schonbach
 o you love coffee? Most of us do. In this article
  we will provide you with 6 recipes to enjoy your
   coffee a different way. We hope you enjoy it. 

  Irish Coffee
                         1 teapsoon of suger

                   1 jigger of Bushmills Irish Whiskey 

           2/3 cup of coffee or flavored Irish Creme coffee

1/4 cup of heavy cream, lightly whipped
Prehead the glass with hot water. Dump the water out and add the hot coffee with the teaspoon of suger and stir. Add the jigger of whiskey, and top with the whipping cream. Dark coffee's are best for this recipe.
Spiced Orange Coffee

1 teaspoon fresh, grated orange peel

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

5 whole cloves

Regular amount of your usual coffee or try Swiss Chocolate Orange flavored coffee
Add the above ingredients together and brew as normal. Place a slice of orange at the bottom or your cup. Pour in coffee and add suger and cream to taste. Top with whipping cream and sprinkle with a dash of nutmeg and cinnamon if so desired.

Mint Cocoa Coffee

1 ounce of chocolate mint liquear

Dash of shaved chocolate

Whipping cream (optional)

Regular coffee or try Dutch Chocolate Decaf flavored coffee

Brew your regular coffee, add the 1 ounce of liquear into your cup. Add some whipping cream if desired and sprinkle with shaved chocolate.

Coffee Milkshakes

1 pint of coffee ice cream

2 teaspoons finely ground coffee

1/2 cup light rum (optional)

4 to 6 scoops vanilla ice cream

Instant coffee powder

Spoon coffee ice cream into blender. Add rum and finely ground coffee. Blend on high until creamy smooth. Pour into tall glasses, adding a scoop of the vanilla ice cream to each glass. Sprinkle lightly with instant coffee powder.
Frosty Mochas

1 cup of freshly brewed coffee

1 pint of vanilla ice cream, softenend

6 tablespoons of chocolate syrup

1 cup prepared cold coffee

Blend hot coffee and chocolate syrup in blender. Blend until smooth. Cool the mixture to room temperature. Pour the mixture into a medium bowl. Add the softened ice cream and cold coffee. With a rotary beater, beat until smooth. Spoon into tall glasses and serve immediately.
Nogged Coffee

1 cup of coffee or try Pumpkin Spice flavored coffee

1 egg yoke

1/2 cup of cream

Dash of nutmeg

Beat the suger and egg yoke together. Place cream in a saucepan and heat over low setting, do not burn. Wisk the egg mixture into the warmed cream, heat until hot. Add coffee to mugs and top with the cream mixture. Garnish the coffee with nutmeg.
About The Author
This article was created for Beans and Bears offering some of the finest coffee available. Visit the website today at http://www.beansandbears.com  Writer: Merrie Schonbach http://www.merriesintent.com  7/03   - 
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